Legacy By Grace


How the Trend Toward Remote Work will Impact Real Estate Portfolios

While certain world events have encouraged more people to work from home than ever before, there’s no reason to believe that people wouldn’t have been transitioning to remote work anyway. High-speed network connections are almost ubiquitous at this point and many people carry more than enough technology in their pockets to go to work from […]

How the Trend Toward Remote Work will Impact Real Estate Portfolios Read More »

Why Is Real Estate a Great Alternative to the Stock Market?

The stock market has performed unpredictably in the past several years, rising and falling in seemingly irrational ways. While some experts anticipate rising prices for years to come, others are expressing greater concerns about an economic recession. Meanwhile, average investors in the middle are feeling more confused and uncertain than ever before. It’s no surprise, then,

Why Is Real Estate a Great Alternative to the Stock Market? Read More »